
 Colorado # 4 Spinner Blades

Colorado # 4 Spinner Blades

Colorado # 4 Spinner Blades 3 per Package all the same Color...


Colorado # 6 Spinner Blades

Colorado # 6 Spinner Blades

Colorado # 6 Spinner Blades 3 per Package all the same Color..


Floating Jig Heads-Extra Large Ball Soft Floaters

Floating Jig Heads-Extra Large Ball Soft Floaters

Extra Large Soft Floating Ball Jig in 24 Fish Catching Colors with size 2/0 hooks. Four Per Pack...


Floating Jig Heads-Soft Humpback Floaters

Floating Jig Heads-Soft Humpback Floaters

Soft Humpback Floating Jigs w/eyes in 8 colors and size 1/0 hooks on the Large size and size 2 on th..


Floating Jig Heads-Hard 1/4oz. size Floating Jigs

Floating Jig Heads-Hard 1/4oz. size Floating Jigs

Hard 1/4oz. size Floating Jig heads with size 2 hook with 17 colors available. 3 Per Pack..


Floating Jig Heads-Soft Small and Large

Floating Jig Heads-Soft Small and Large

Soft Floating Jigs In Small And Large Sizes with 40 Color combinations. Small size has a number 2 ho..


Walleye Spinner Rigs - SX Series

Walleye Spinner Rigs - SX Series

SX series is a fast spinning size 7 (2"x3/4")blade. We have 18 colors with Glitter Finish, # 2 VMC h..


Walleye Spinner Rigs - Willowleaf Series

Walleye Spinner Rigs - Willowleaf Series

All harnesses are 42 inches long and made with 20lb test line and have VMC hooks 9299BZ in sizes 2 a..
